CA: Change to the 4th Legendary Lord (Cylostra Direfin)

CA: Change to the 4th Legendary Lord (Cylostra Direfin)

12 de octubre de 2018
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Firmas: 39Próximo objetivo: 50
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Por qué es importante esta petición

Iniciada por Salvador Ramírez

Hello CA
I think I speak on behalf of the vast majority of the community (with this request can be verified), to express the great displeasure to know the 4th Legendary Lord of the TWW2 (Curse of the Vampire Coast) DLC, "Cylostra Direfin". The purpose of this petition is to change this character.
This Lord has been a 100% ivención on your part, and taking into account the many options that there are that meet the needs of this role (as "Vangheist"), it is very disappointing and unpleasant to see how it is given so much importance ( the same as Karl Franz) to an invented character, which is also horrible, both in aesthetics and in lore (a Bretonnian ghost that can raise the dead ??). The starting position of this, is also horrible, why so close to the Lizardmen? It does not make sense, it just bothers them a lot, it would make more sense near Bretonnia, the Southlands.
The road that was taking the DLC so far, was not bad, but this ... no.
Please CA, listen to your fans and reconsider changing this character.

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Firmas: 39Próximo objetivo: 50
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