#FREEUSHIKU 東日本入国管理センターはインド人男性の死の責任を明らかにし、無期限長期収容をやめよ。

#FREEUSHIKU 東日本入国管理センターはインド人男性の死の責任を明らかにし、無期限長期収容をやめよ。




本署名は、2019年8月3日に終了しました。ご協力をいただき、ありがとうございました。#FREEUSHIKU は、現在の進行した状況に対応して、新たな署名アクションを開始しています。→ http://chng.it/wfBsFmXSfs





1. 4月13日に同センター内で自死したディパク・クマルさん(享年32歳)の死に関して、人が死に追い込まれるほどの収容を継続した責任の所在を第三者委員会によって調査させてください。日本の入管に収容された方の自殺は2006年以来4人目です。


3. センター内における医療アクセスを改善し、これまでのように病人がセンター内で十分な医療を受けられず死に至る状況を直ちに変えてください。同施設では、2014年にはイラン人(33歳)とカメルーン人(40代)が病死しています。東京弁護士会も、第三者機関による検証と再発防止策を求めています。https://www.toben.or.jp/message/seimei/2-1.html   にもかかわらず、2017年にはさらにベトナム人が同じセンターで激しい体調不良を訴えても医療を受けさせてもらえないまま亡くなりました。https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASKD45CXYKD4UTIL04Q.html 




Since the death of an Indian man on April 13 at the East Japan Immigration Center in Ibaraki Prefecture, detainees have been refusing to eat. The number of participants is much larger than the previous such strike at the same facility in May 2017. The detainees are currently protesting against the deprivation of human rights at the risk of death. In light of the International Bill of Human Rights and Convention relating to the Status of the Refugees, we strongly approve the detainees’ requests and urge the East Japan Immigration Center and the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice to fulfill the following demands.

1. Set up a third-party committee of investigation to clarify who have been responsible for continuing the dehumanizing detention, which led Mr. Deepak Kumar to take his own life at the age of 32 at the detention center on April 13th.

2.The Immigration Center is not a prison. The habit of detaining people indefinitely from 6 months up to more than 3 years should be immediately halted, and the detainees, especially those who have been subject to long detentions, should be granted a temporary release status. Moreover, the center should clarify the ways in which it will care for the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder many ex-detainees suffer upon release.

3.Improve access to medical care inside the detention center, where the detainees are not allowed to see a doctor even when they are in urgent need of medical attention. As a result, a 33 year-old Iranian and a Cameroonian person have died during detention in 2014 at the East Japan Immigration Center. Tokyo Bar Association has issued a statement about the incident, indicating the grave responsibility of the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. Last year, a Vietnamese man died in the same facility after his pleas for medical attention have been ignored by the center staffs.

More than a hundred detainees at the East Japan Immigration Center have launched a hunger strike following the apparent suicide of Mr. Deepak Kumar, a 32 year-old Indian man who was informed of the denial of temporary release status the previous day after 9 months of detention. Mr. Kumar came to Japan in April 2017. He was denied a refugee status and had been detained by the Immigration Bureau since July 2017. His family is demanding the Indian government to probe into the case. The family is waiting for his return.

Reuters reports that this is the fourth case of suicide committed by the detainees held by Japan’s Immigration Bureau since 2006. In addition, 10 people have died during detention in facilities notorious for the difficult access to medical care.
In March 2018, the detainees at the East Japan Immigration Center have sent its chief manager a letter of petition and requested to end the system of long and dehumanizing detention by which the Immigration Center effectively violates the International Bill of Human Rights.






  • 法務省入国管理局
  • 東日本入国管理センター