Do not start the euthanasia of the dogs in the public shelter from Feteni-Valcea, Romania

Do not start the euthanasia of the dogs in the public shelter from Feteni-Valcea, Romania

January 13, 2018
Petition to
Petition Closed
This petition had 122,961 supporters

Why this petition matters

Started by florentina cioaca

ROMANIAN (english below)

In adapostul public din Feteni-Valcea sunt aproximativ 500 de caini fara stapan. Acestor caini li se pregateste moartea incepand de luni 15.01.2018. Primarul orasului Ramnicu Valcea doreste ca acesti caini sa fie eutanasiati, in ciuda eforturilor voluntarilor de a veni in ajutorul autoritatilor locale si a cainilor inchisi in acest adapost. Un nou medic veterinar a fost angajat si desemnat sa eutanasieze.

Voluntari si membrii ai asociatilor de protectie a animalelor au incercat sa ofere ajutor cainilor din adapostul public Feteni din Ramnicu Valcea cu hrana, custi, paleti, cosuri, strat, sterilizari si alte operatii si tratamente, promovare pentru adoptie, adoptii, cu scopul de a diminua cheltuielile de la bugetul local pentru intretinerea acestor caini si de a mentine un numar constant de caini in adapost pentru a nu depasi capacitatea maxima admisa. Asadar, in decursul ultimilor 5 ani am hranit cainii din acest adapost de trei ori pe saptamana in trei zile diferite, cu cate 400 kg mancare uscata adult/zi si aproximativ 50 kg manacare uscata si umeda junior/zi (in functie de numarul de pui existenti). Am asigurat peste 200 custi din lemn, peste 200 de paleti, peste 300 de cosuri pentru dormit, 172 placi OSB si 200 de boluri pentru hrana. Am asigurat pe perioada sezonului rece sute de baloti de paie pentru stratul cainilor. Am orgnizat campanii de sterilizare in adapostul public pentru sute de caini, evitand inmultirile nedorite si venind astfel in ajutorul medicului veterinar si reducand cheltuielile suportate de primarie. Am facut posibila adoptia a sute de caini din acest adapost, incurajand adoptiile responsabile si eficiente la nivel local, national si international. De asemenea, exista un grup de elevi din orasul nostru care a ales sa isi dedice perioada inainte de sarbatorile de Craciun si Paste pentru acesti caini! Ei organizeaza spectacole, iar banii stransi ii folosesc pentru a cumpara mancare uscata si vin si le fac o bucurie prietenilor lor necuvantatori inainte de sarbatori. Pentru ca, spun ei, Mos Craciun trebuie sa vina la orice fiinta! Mai mult, ei incurajeaza adoptiile acestor caini printre prietenii lor si si-au convins parintii sa le permita sa plece acasa cu un nou prieten din adapost!

Pana in acest moment, aportul adus de catre noi si buna colaborare cu primaria au asigurat o buna functionare a adapostului de caini fara stapan din Feteni, Ramnicu Valcea. Nu intelegem de ce primaria Ramnicu Valcea a dispus anagajarea unui alt medic veterinar la adapostul public Feteni, dispus sa eutanasieze toti cainii, din moment ce lucrurile aveau o buna desfasurare cu vechiul medic (dar care a refuzat eutanasierea!). Nu intelegem cum este posibil sa se dispuna angajarea unui medic veterinar care locuieste in alt oras, diferit fata de al nostru si aflat la o distanta considerabila ! Acest nou medic veterinar are deja un contract cu un alt adapost public din localitatea sa natala, un adapost cu sute de caini care sunt tinuti in conditii ingrozitoare si care sunt eutanasiati periodic! Cum va putea acorda acest nou medic primul ajutor unui caine bolnav sau aflat in agonie, de la zeci, sute de kilometri? De ce vine acest medic sa eutanasieze niste caini care beneficiaza de ajutor si unde pana acum NU S-A PUS PROBLEMA EUTNASIERII? De ce primarul si primaria Ramnicu Valcea lupta impotriva noastra si nu alaturi de noi in rezolvarea problemei cainilor din adapostul public Feteni?

Va invitam sa semnati petitia, distribuiti si sa lasati mesaje persoanelor/institutiilor implicate.

Noul medic veterinar desemnat sa eutanasieze (care si-a procurat deja substanta letala pentru Feteni), Gheorghe Ciornei:

Primarul orasului Ramnicu Valcea care a dispus eutanasierea cainilor captivi in adapostul public Feteni, Mircia Gutau:

Viceprimarii orasului Ramnicu Valcea, Eusebiu Veteleanu si Carmen Preda:

Primaria Ramnicu Valcea:; Tel informatii primarie: +40 250 731 016 int 138;
Tel secretariat viceprimari: +40 250 731 714;
Tel centrala: +40 250 731 016,
                     +40 250 731 017;
Fax: +40 250 731 843;


Directia Sanitar Veterinara Valcea:; Tel: 0250713819, 0250713836, Fax: 0250702872, email:

Primaria Mioveni, care detine un adapost public unde medicul veterinar Gheorghe Ciornei eutanasiaza deja cainii:; tel: 0348/455444, fax: 0248/260500, email:,



In the public shelter in Feteni-Valcea are about 500 stray dogs. For those dogs, their deaths is prepared from Monday, January 15, 2018. The Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea wants these dogs to be euthanized, despite the volunteer efforts to help the local authorities and the dogs enclosed in this shelter. A new veterinarian was hired and appointed to euthanize.

Volunteers and members of animal welfare associations have tried to help the dogs in the public shelter of Feteni in Ramnicu Valcea with food, cages, pallets, baskets, straw, sterilizations and other operations and treatments, promotion for adoption, adoptions, in order to reduce spending from the local budget to maintain these dogs, and keep a constant number of dogs in shelter in order not to exceed the maximum admissible capacity. So over the last five years we have fed the dogs in this shelter three times a week in three different days, with 400 kg of dry adult / day food and about 50 kg of dry and humid junior food / day (depending on the number of puppies existing). We provided over 200 wooden cages, over 200 pallets, over 300 sleeping baskets, 172 OSB boards and 200 bowls for food. We have assured hundreds of straw bales for the dogs’ straw during the cold season. We have organized sterilization campaigns in the public shelter for hundreds of dogs, avoiding unwanted breeding and thus helping the veterinarian and reducing the costs supported by the town hall. We have made possible the adoption of hundreds of dogs in this shelter, encouraging responsible and effective adoptions at local, national and international levels. There is also a group of students in our town who chose to devote their time before Christmas and Easter to these dogs! They organize shows, and the money raised is used by them to buy dry food and they come and make are huge happyness to their voiceless friends before the holidays. Because, they say, Santa must come to every being! Moreover, they encourage adoptions of these dogs among their friends and persuade their parents to let them go home with a new friend from the shelter!

Until now, our contribution and good collaboration with the city hall have ensured a good functioning of the homeless dogs shelter in Feteni, Ramnicu Valcea. We do not understand why the Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea ordered the employment of another veterinarian at the Feteni public shelter, willing to euthanize all the dogs, since things were doing well with the old doctor (but who refused euthanasia!). We do not understand how it is possible to have a veterinarian who lives in another city, different from ours and at a considerable distance! This new veterinarian already has a contract with another public shelter in his hometown, a shelter with hundreds of dogs that are kept in terrible conditions and who are euthanized periodically! How will this new doctor give the first aid to a sick or agony dog ​​from tens or hundreds of miles? Why is this doctor willing to euthanisia some dogs that get real help and where the EUTHANASIA PROBLEM HAS NEVER BEEN DISCUSSED? Why does the Mayor and the Mayoralty of Ramnicu Valcea fight against us and not join us in solving the problem of dogs in public shelter Feteni?

We invite you to sign the petition, distribute and leave messages to the persons / institutions involved.

The new veterinarian appointed to euthanize (who has already purchased lethal substance for Feteni), Gheorghe Ciornei:

Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea who ordered euthanasia of captive dogs in the public shelter Feteni, Mircia Gutau:

Deputy Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea, Eusebiu Veteleanu and Carmen Preda:

Ramnicu Valcea Town Hall:; Tel City Hall Information: +40 250 731 016 int 138;

Tel Deputy Secretariat: +40 250 731 714;

Tel: +40 250 731 016,

                     +40 250 731 017;

Fax: +40 250 731 843;


Veterinary Sanitary Veterinary Directorate:; Tel: 0250713819, 0250713836, Fax: 0250702872, email:

Mioveni Town Hall, which owns a public shelter where the veterinarian Gheorghe Ciornei is already euthanising the dogs:; tel: 0348/455444, fax: 0248/260500, email:,

Petition Closed

This petition had 122,961 supporters

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