My cousin wants her Wii back to sell it, but I use it daily to play Smash.

My cousin wants her Wii back to sell it, but I use it daily to play Smash.

19 de noviembre de 2017
Dirigida a
The Super Smash Bros. community y
Petición cerrada
Esta petición ha conseguido 86 firmas

Por qué es importante esta petición

So, a while ago my cousin lent me her Wii so I could play Super Smash Bros. Melee. It's been like a year, and I still use it daily and, probably even more importantly, I'm one of the few people that brings a full setup to our local tournaments (our local tournaments barely have enough setups to play friendlies already). I also bring a 20XXTE memory card to record the matches and I use the Wii to export the matches to the computer. I'm on the come up right now, starting to get better results at tournaments, and not having the Wii would really affect my career negatively.

Now, she wants the Wii back so she can sell it and get some money. I asked her not to do it and she said that if we reach 500 signatures she won't sell it. So please, support a fellow smasher and sign the petition. Thank you.

Petición cerrada

Esta petición ha conseguido 86 firmas

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  • The Super Smash Bros. community
  • The Fighting Game Community